Aurora's Legal Sciences Institute
Aurora Temple of Learning


Law of Taxation

It is a social security oriented law which will help the students to recognise tax issues, computing of quantum of tax and tax liability, identification of saving opportunities.The taxation system is studied in its legal, economic, social and political context. It will help the students to learn income tax system and tax policy especially for personal and professional utilisation so as to facilitate both interests of this law i.e. to encourage savings and also to volunteer for funding State for welfare schemes.

Information Technology Law

Advent of cyber world into human world has not only facilitated much advantage but also created certain issues required for adequate remedy. Our students are advocated for promotion of philosophy behind information technology law, while resolving those issues as per the statute. Concept of E- Governance would be promoted during profession of advocacy for fair disposition.

Human Rights Law

Human Rights are the basic rights of individual under any kind of “State”, as they are legitimate and valid claims. Our students are trained to derive functional advantages of human rights through their advocacy for compliance of duties stipulated or warranted from time to time. In addition to international conventions our student is introduced with ancient Indian philosophy as to the priority for duties.

Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing

One of the practical Paper, aims at giving the students an opportunity to peep into the working of law by referring to various practical aspects of civil and criminal laws. It also emphasizes on the conveyancing aspects and imparts the students the requisites of various deeds that go to make the theoretical law complete. Each unit delivered to disseminate the fundamental principles of drafting which are very crucial with regard to the propriety of the cases to be filed and it goes on to deal with the particular application of the said rules with respect to pleadings in civil matters. It also helps the student to achieve drafting work with reference to criminal matters also. Student will be able to discuss the principles of conveyancing with reference to different deeds. Finally student ismade to adopt basic rules of Judgment Writing to be selected as a judicial officer.

Moot Courts, Observation of Trial, Pre – Trial Preparations and Internship

This course will help the students to undergo simulated court proceedings involving drafting memorials or memoranda and participating in oral arguments. In the future it will be helpful for the students to become good lawyers and judges. Internship with judiciary helps our student to get practical outlook for appropriate knowledge and gain wisdom while serving the society as a lawyer or judge as the case may be.
